Can I Upload a Layout to Arcgis Online

Fall 2011 Edition

Share and Document Maps with Map Packages

By Monica Pratt, ArcUser Editor

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Preparing the data in the map for sharing

When preparing the information in the map for sharing, plow off any unnecessary fields in the attribute table and create meaningful field aliases for the fields that volition be displayed.

Since ArcGIS ix.3.1 was released, you have been able to package a layer in a map as a layer package (.lpk) and easily share it via east-mail or upload it to ArcGIS Online. With ArcGIS 10, complete map documents can be shared using map packages (MPK).

Map packages include a map document (.mxd) and the information referenced by the map layers packaged into 1 portable file. Like layer packages, map packages brand it easy to share maps that include the symbology of the source map past uploading the MPK file directly to ArcGIS Online or saving it locally and e-mailing it or making it available on a file share. Another valuable employ for map packages is documenting your work, considering a map package is a snapshot of the map and the electric current state of its data.

Packaging Information

Map packages can be created interactively through the ArcMap interface or by using the geoprocessing tools in the Package toolset. When using either method, ArcGIS prepares and validates the data that volition be included in the map parcel along with the map document. Different data types are handled in different ways during this packaging procedure:

  • If a layer references data in a personal geodatabase, the reference will be included, but the layer volition be converted to a file geodatabase.
  • Map packages let you share complete maps

    Map packages allow you share consummate maps that include the symbology and data of the source map.

  • By default, information in an ArcSDE geodatabase will be referenced rather than included. Consequently, anyone using the map package that uses data from an ArcSDE geodatabase will need to accept admission to that geodatabase. Alternatively, you tin can include the data sourced from an ArcSDE geodatabase in the map parcel past checking the Include ArcSDE geodatabase information cheque box when using the Package tool.
  • The data in layers that incorporate a bring together or participate in a human relationship grade volition be consolidated into the map packet. Likewise, when datasets that reference other datasets (due east.1000., geometric networks, topology, locators), those participating datasets will also be packaged.
  • Raster data is included in map packages. Uncompressed rasters will be clipped based on the extent parameter specified in the Data Frame properties. Compressed rasters will non be clipped even if an extent has been specified.

What You Tin can't Include in a Map Package

Currently, ArcGlobe and ArcScene documents cannot be shared in map packages. Unsupported layer types, such every bit Tool layers and Schematic layers, too cannot be included in map packages.

Preparing Your Data for Sharing

The bodily procedure of generating a map package in ArcGIS ten using the Package tool is simple and straightforward. Notwithstanding, the map and its information must be carefully prepared so they will be meaningful to others and can be intelligently and readily used by them.

Simplify and minimize the data required for the map. Employ an online basemap, such every bit imagery, to provide context for your data. If the map uses data from a dataset larger than the area of involvement, clip the information to the extent of the surface area of interest. For each layer that will exist shared with the map, open Layer Properties and turn off whatever unnecessary fields in the attribute tabular array. Create meaningful field aliases for the fields that will be displayed.

Validation checks the data for errors and usability issues.

Validation checks the data for errors and usability problems and returns a listing of issues.

Specify a useful principal display field or utilize a brandish expression. The chief display field is used in MapTips, the Identify dialog box, and the Attributes window. With ArcGIS 10, a brandish expression tin exist used instead of a primary display field. A display expression is a custom string that tin can include values from multiple fields in the same way that label expressions can be created. To create a display expression, click the Brandish tab on the Layer Properties or Table Properties dialog box and click the Expression button. You can employ Visual Bones Script or JScript to add together logic or text processing capabilities to the expression.

Add documentation in the ArcMap certificate past choosing File > Map Certificate Backdrop and entering the map title, description, author, credits, and tags. Brand certain the check box for Store relative pathnames to information sources is checked. In the map layout, add your agency's name and logo, if appropriate.

Guide map users to the important information in your map. Symbolize layers to highlight important attributes or classes of features. Modify the default full extent (which is the extent of the largest layer) to a custom extent that encompasses the surface area of interest. Specify advisable display units and units for the ten,y readout on the status bar. Make the map easier to use by turning on MapTips and HTML popular-ups for the key operational layers and creating bookmarks at useful extents in the map.

The Schema Simply parameter can be used to consolidate the schema of an input information source to comprise the schema—simply not the data—for layers or records in a map bundle. Data sources that do not support the Schema Only parameter will not be consolidated or packaged.

Creating Map Packages with the Package Tool

  1. To create a map package, cull File > Create Map Parcel from the ArcMap Standard toolbar.
  2. On the dialog box, specify whether the map parcel will be uploaded to ArcGIS Online or saved locally.
  3. Specify who will be allowed to access the map package.

    If uploading the map package to ArcGIS Online, specify who will exist immune to access the map bundle.

  4. Click Validate. Validation checks your information for errors or issues that might impede performance or usability (for instance, layers that do non accept HTML pop-ups enabled). Any issues discovered are listed in a window. Right-click each particular in the listing to address these issues.
  5. Click the Share push button (which becomes enabled subsequently validation is complete).
  6. If you are uploading the map package to ArcGIS Online, yous'll be prompted to sign in to using your Esri Global Business relationship.
  7. The Package Details dialog box appears. If uploading the map package to ArcGIS Online, fill in the fields specifying if you are sharing it with everyone or with specific groups. Click OK.

Package Toolset

Alternatively, you tin use the geoprocessing tools in the Packet toolset (located in the Data Management toolbox) with Python and ModelBuilder to automate map sharing. These tools consolidate, package, and share map documents (and layers, too). See the help topics for usage, syntax, and code samples for individual tools. Tabular array i lists descriptions of the tools in the Package toolset.

Tool Clarification
Consolidate Layer Consolidates i or more layers by copying all information and referenced data sources into a single folder.
Consolidate Map Consolidates a map document and all referenced data sources to a specified output folder.
Packet Layer Packages one or more than layers and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .lpk file.
Packet Map Packages a map document and all referenced data sources to create a single compressed .mpk file.
Excerpt Package Extracts the contents of a layer or map bundle to a specified binder. The contents of the output folder are updated with the contents of the input bundle.
Share Package Shares a layer or map bundle by publishing to ArcGIS Online.

Table 1: The Package toolset

Managing Packages Uploaded to ArcGIS Online

Manage map packages created and uploaded past going to ArcGIS Online. Make sure the Show option at the top of the page is set to All Content (not Web Content but) so your content will not exist filtered out. Packages uploaded to ArcGIS Online cannot be added to ArcGIS Online web maps. To make map packages bachelor for web mapping applications and clients such as ArcGIS Explorer Online and ArcGIS for iOS, y'all need to publish your data as map services using ArcGIS Server.


The uploaded map package will be available from your My Content tab on ArcGIS Online.

The uploaded map package will be available from your My Content tab on ArcGIS Online.

Map packages tin can streamline workflows in several means. They can standardize the cartography and data representation used by an organization through supplying the schemas and symbolization. Data collection tasks can be more than quickly and correctly accomplished by supplying staff or contractors with map packages. Map packages tin can exist used to provide clients with deliverables as a fully functional digital version of the map that they tin can interact with and ameliorate understand. Finally, map packages are an efficient method for digitally archiving maps locally.

Maps are phenomenally efficient in presenting a great deal of information in a manner that is hands comprehended. Because GIS maps are interactive, they tin be used to tell stories and let us interact with the results of analysis, empathise the relationships in systems like water utilities, or understand the operational status of emergency response situations.

At ArcGIS ten, ArcGIS has been transformed from a suite of software to a network that makes your information accessible from the desktop, web browser, or mobile device. Map packages are some other footstep in this evolution—moving beyond collecting, integrating, and managing information to communicating complex data through maps. By sharing maps, not just data, geospatial intelligence becomes more widely accessible to knowledge workers or policy makers without requiring that they possess GIS expertise.


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